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You're missing out on the secret to successful PTE classes

"Our comprehensive learning management system is designed to make your life easier and your students' learning experience more efficient."

Are you tired of seeing your students struggle with understanding PTE strategies and concepts, and want to find a solution to help them achieve their goals?

Are you frustrated with repeating the same lecture for your students?

Marvel PTE software offers the perfect solution to these problems.

Book your demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Marvel PTE software offer?

Marvel PTE software offers two types of lectures - recorded and live classes. This means that students can access lectures whenever they want and revise them multiple times to improve their understanding and performance.

What are the problems with traditional teaching methods?

With traditional teaching methods, students often have to wait for their doubts to be resolved, and they may miss out on important concepts if they are absent from class. This can lead to poor performance and a bad reputation for your institute.

How does Marvel PTE software solve these problems?

Marvel PTE software allows you to assign your lectures in recorded format, which means that your students can watch them whenever and for however long they want. This also eliminates the need to wait for the same lecture to be taught again. Even if you don't have your own pre-recorded lectures, you can assign our white-labeled lectures and strategies, which will make your students feel like your institute has recorded them.
Our software also offers online lectures that can be delivered seamlessly within the portal, eliminating the need for sending class links via WhatsApp or Facebook.

What are the benefits of using Marvel PTE software?

Marvel PTE software provides more accessible and flexible learning options for your students, which can increase their performance and satisfaction. It also saves you time and effort in delivering lectures and resolving doubts, while increasing your renewal rate and bringing more business to your institute.

What if I don't have my own pre-recorded lectures?

No problem! Marvel PTE software offers white-labeled lectures and strategies that you can assign to your students.

Will my students know that the lectures aren't recorded by me?

Your students will feel like your institute has recorded the lectures because they are white-labeled, meaning they have no branding or labeling indicating they were produced by Marvel PTE.

Does Marvel PTE software offer online lectures?

Yes, our software offers online lectures.

How are these online lectures delivered?

The online lectures can be delivered seamlessly within the portal.

Is it necessary to send class links via WhatsApp or Facebook?

No, it is not necessary to send class links via WhatsApp or Facebook when using our software for online lectures.

Sign up now to take advantage of our powerful learning management system.