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How to Set Up & Configure Your Microphone

Read below the step-wise guide on one-time setting up of microphone required to use the software:

Input username and password on the student account login page.

After seeing the message Successful entry into the account, first click on Your Account, and then click on Microphone Setup..


Right after moving to the next page, you will see a pop-up in the top left for allowing access to microphone. Click on Allow.
[Just in case the pop-up does not show up, check the browser's version and make sure that it’s up-to-date.]


In the second step you have to choose from the available options of microphones active on your computer. Despite the number of options, microphone of your headset will always be the 'Communications - ...' option. Select it and cpck on Confirm choice.


In the next step you have to record your voice and test your microphone for two conditions i.e., Voice Check & Speech Recognition Check. Read all given instructions carefully and proceed to cpck on Start Recording once you are ready to test your Microphone.


If your microphone is functional, the Speech Recognition Check box will become green right after you start speaking for recording, but it is possible that the loudness of voice being received is not correct by default sometimes.
In that case... after you have pstened to your recording once, start recording again and either increase or decrease the Microphone Sensitivity from the blue coloured bar. [explained with the next step]


The bar has been adjusted to a lower level which made the voice input level correct in this case. When the voice level is correct, the Voice Check box becomes green. After that cpck on the Click here or the Move to last step button.


In the last step you have to click the blinking button saying:
Save and Return to Practice. [then you will be taken to the homepage]


Here is a video explaining all the steps in detail: