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PTE Time Management Strategies that Work!

" Help Your Students Succeed with our timed mode feature"

Are your new students struggling with completing PTE exam questions within the given time limit?

Do they find it challenging to remember the writing templates and implement the strategies within the allocated time frame?If so, you're not alone.

Students initially don't remember the writing templates well and need more than 20 minutues for typing the essay and then implementing the strategies. The same happens for describe image or retell lecture as students are not able to prepare within the time given by PTE in the exam. So it puts unncessary pressure on them. They need to practice in untimed mode. Now, when they are near their exam, they need to get accustomed to the timings. For this, they can turn time mode on Marvel PTE software and then while practicing, the answer will get auto-submitted if they are past the time limit of that question type. This way, students can prepare better for exams.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when the time mode is turned on or off?

When time mode is turned on, a timer appears above the question, so student can keep a track of time and manage his time accordingly. When time mode is off, no such timer is present.

How can time mode help students prepare better for exams?

Marvel PTE Software offers untimed mode for students to practice and get comfortable with the material. Then, they can switch to timed mode with just the flick of a button to simulate exam conditions and get accustomed to the time limits.

PTE trainers customize Marvel PTE Software based on the student's stage of preparation?

Yes, PTE trainers can easily turn on or off the timed mode based on the student's stage of preparation. Marvel PTE Software offers a timer in timed mode to help students manage their time better.

Improve your students’ PTE exam preparation by practicing in timed mode with Marvel PTE software.