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Are you tired of your PTE students struggling to find accurate and real exam content?

"Look no further than Marvel PTE's white-labelled monthly prediction files!"

Learn how our solution can enhance your institute's reputation and brand value while providing your students with top-quality exam preparation material.

Book your demo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are white-labelled monthly prediction files?

White-labelled monthly prediction files are exam preparation materials that feature real human voices and questions from recent PTE exams.

How can these files benefit my institute?

By providing your students with your own monthly prediction files, you will enhance your institute's reputation and brand value. Your students will appreciate the high-quality content and won't need to go anywhere else for their exam preparation needs. This will keep them loyal to your institute and increase the likelihood of them recommending your services to others.

How can these files benefit my students?

Our white-labelled monthly prediction files provide your students with the most accurate and engaging exam content available. With real human voices and questions from recent exams, your students will be fully prepared for the PTE exam. This will increase their chances of success and give them the confidence they need to excel.

Will the MarvelPTE logo be visible on the videos?

No. Our monthly prediction files will be white-labelled , so your students will think you created them yourself. This will improve your brand value and keep your students loyal to your institute.

What types of questions will be included in the prediction files?

Our monthly prediction files will include questions for write from dictation, repeat sentences, answer short questions, reading and writing fill in the blanks, and fill in the blanks. Your students will have access to the most up-to-date and high-quality exam content available, increasing their chances of success and giving them the confidence they need to excel.

How frequently will the prediction files be updated?

Our prediction files are updated on a monthly basis. We are committed to providing your students with the most accurate and engaging exam content available, and updating the files on a regular basis ensures that they have access to the most up-to-date material.

Will students need to go to a separate app or platform to access the prediction files?

No, our white-labelled monthly prediction files are seamlessly integrated into your institute's portal, making it easy for your students to access them without having to navigate to another platform. This streamlined approach keeps your students engaged and focused on their exam preparation, without any unnecessary distractions or complications.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your institute's reputation and provide your students with top-quality white-labelled monthly prediction files.

Get your portal with monthly prediction files!