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Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter

"Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter is a real-time feature that mimics Pearson's parameters and provides feedback for every attempt"

Sometimes students assume that speaking too loudly and quickly will help them record their answers better and make them sound fluent to AI. However, as an experienced PTE trainer or coaching institute, you know that fluency and pitch are critical criteria for PTE speaking scoring. Pearson's AI is a software that needs input to give scores. If students are speaking out of range, they won't get speaking scores. It's not possible to correct every attempt or tell students how to pace their responses and speak at an acceptable pitch level every time.

The Solution: Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter

Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter is a real-time feature that mimics Pearson's parameters and provides feedback for every attempt. It allows students to learn independently with minimal intervention from the teacher. With this tool, you can help your students improve their fluency and speaking marks.

Pitch Meter

The Pitch Meter measures the pitch of the student's voice and tells them whether their pitch is within the acceptable range of PTE’s algorithm. If the majority of their response falls within the green zone, it means that they are speaking within the acceptable range. The pitch of their voice is measured throughout their response.

Pace Meter

The Pace Meter measures the pace at which the student speaks. If they speak too slowly or too quickly, their speech falls in the red zone. PTE’s algorithm assumes that they are not speaking fluently if they are speaking too slowly. When they speak too fast, the software cannot understand their words, and they will score lower on fluency. Therefore, it's essential to speak within the acceptable range.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What problem does Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter solve?

Sometimes, PTE students speak too fast or too loud, assuming it will help them score better, but this is not true.
Pearson's AI needs input within a certain range to give scores. If students speak outside of that range, they won't get speaking scores.
As a PTE trainer or institute, it's not possible to correct every attempt or teach students how to pace their responses and speak at an acceptable pitch level.

What are the problems with traditional teaching methods?

With traditional teaching methods, students often have to wait for their doubts to be resolved, and they may miss out on important concepts if they are absent from class. This can lead to poor performance and a bad reputation for your institute.

How can Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter help improve speaking scores?

Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter mimics Pearson's parameters and provides real-time feedback for every attempt, allowing students to learn independently with minimal intervention from the trainer or institute.
The pitch meter measures pitch and tells whether it's within the acceptable range of PTE's algorithm. If the majority of the response is in the green zone, it means that the student is speaking within the acceptable range.
The pace meter measures the pace at which students speak, ensuring they don't speak too fast or too slowly, which can impact their fluency score.

What are the benefits of using Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter?

First sentence for pitch and pace:Boost Your PTE Students' Scores with Marvel's Pitch and Pace Meter

Provides real-time feedback for every attempt, allowing students to learn independently with minimal intervention from the teacher.

Helps students improve their fluency and speaking marks.

Mimics Pearson's parameters, making it easier for students to understand what is expected of them.

Measures pitch and pace to ensure that students speak within the acceptable range.

Reduces the need for teachers to correct every attempt or tell students how to pace their responses and speak at an acceptable pitch level every time.

Don't let your students' PTE speaking scores suffer due to pacing and pitch issues. Schedule a demo with us, to see how our real-time feedback feature can help improve their performance.

See the Pitch and Pace Meter in action now!